Saturday, November 12, 2011

You can find Brothers and Sisters Everywhere!

Staff members of The Susan G. Komen 3 Day for a Cure where happy to share their macs for Sisterhood of the Traveling Macs during the 3 Day DFW November November 4-6, 2011.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 2 of iLife Workshop

The teachers in Elk Horn Iowa were such wonderful people to work with. They loved working with each other and made teaching such a pleasure!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

iLife Workshop

Getting ready for an iLife workshop in Elk Horn, IA tomorrow! I'm loving traveling around facilitating these workshops and meeting these wonderful teachers. It's a great life!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adventures in Professional Development

Well, my first PD adventure went beautifully! I had such a wonderful time with the teachers from Manistee, MI. They are truly inspiring educators. The trait that stood out the most was how they celebrate each other's successes and encourage their peers talents. By the end of the day they had Made the most creative videos on iMovie.
Of course, since the workshop went beautifully something had to go not-so-great. That was travel plans. Apparently flying to and from Wichita on a reliable airline is simply not possible. So today I get to go from Traverse City, MI to Chicago to Atlanta then on to Wichita! It's a good thing I love flying!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Off to a Productive Start

Today is my first day at traveling for my job. Heading to Manistee, MI to facilitate a workshop is both exciting and a little daunting. I'm excited to be traveling and seeing the states. I'm overwhelmed by all the little details in the procedures I have to follow.
The day started off well, got out of the house on time got to the airport and then it went sour. My flight was delayed making me miss the connecting flight, got an email saying I needed to upload some data ASAP and finally received a document with details about how to arrange these workshops. I knew I was missing some steps and not receiving crucial information, but was not aware of just how much I didn't know. Well, this is a learning experience and those usually require making mistakes. I'm hoping I have enough time during my layover to address these pesky details and make up for some much needed direction.

Kay's new MacBook Air! Perfect for traveling

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ron Clark!

Thanks to the power of Twitter I heard that Ron Clark was going to be in town.  Not only that, but he was going to be at Barnes and Noble!  I had the chance to see him several years ago and absolutely love his Essential 55 book.  I can't wait to read his new book The End of Molasses Classes.  If you ever get a chance to see Ron Clark take it!  He is full of energy, full of passion, and full of great ideas.  It is also nice to get a jump start before school with inspirational people! I am lucky to have inspirations as Kevin Honeycutt and Ron Clark in my sights this month! 

Podstock 2011

Do you see all those Mac Boxes? Once you go Mac you never go back!Barbie goes everywhere!Mac Sisters!
Mac Sisters!Digital JamThe Sisters Reunite!

Podstock 2011, a set on Flickr.

Just a few pictures from Podstock 2011. Want to see more, check out Want to be in one, come to Podstock 2012!